Porn Games Reviews

Adult xxx Games that you’ll love. You won’t be able to stop playing these games until you cum a dozen times!!
We will update this blog weekly with new Games that you will love. So don’t touch that joystick, we have some of the Best porn games reviews listed right here on the Quickiepage.
Narcos XXX Review
Based on Netflix hit series Narcos, this top exclusive offer has shown why it’s a thrill. Quickie rates Narcos one of the top 5 Porn Games ever made.
When you enter Narcos site, the landing page gives you the option to choose weather you are male or female. In the background the images are very detailed, having Pablo choke and fuck his woman in a split screen.
When you choose your gender, the next screen gives you the option to choose your sex partner “Tata or Valeria”. In the background of this page has Tata reverse riding Pablo, and in the split screen Valeria is slobbing his big Cock. No matter the character you choose, you’re automatically directed to age confirmation page; which in my opinion should be placed as the home page, but whatever. Again Pablo is giving it to Tata in both screens this time, fucking her reverse cowboy in one and then eating her tight wet pussy in the other.
Choose Your Character:
Choosing your character gives you the option between 3 players. Horacio, the Columbian police chief; Valeria, Pablo’s mistress; and Pablo himself. Choosing Valeria is a contradiction because if I chose her as my main player can I get to fuck herself? I don’t know yet I haven’t tried, but I will update this blog when I do.
Anyways, picking Valeria as your character, gives you the option to chose her breast size. From a “Small to Large“, giving her agility or large tits giving her stamina. When your finished choosing her breast size it’s on to her ass, from small to large choose her body type. Small giving her more agility and large giving her more stamina.
If you choose Pablo your options are between cocaine giving you a 50+ boost in health, and an Armored Vest giving you a 20+ in health boost. Lastly choosing Horacio you have the choices between Pills giving you a 50+ boost in health and a vest giving you a 20+ health boost.
When your done with all that, you choose your weapon of choice. Pablo gets the option of a 9mm handgun with a +1 precision rating or a sawed-off shotgun with a damage rating of +1. Horacio also gets the option of a 9mm handgun, with the same rating of +1 precision. His second weapon of choice is the machine gun, also with a damage of +1.
Sex, Money, and Violence!!
It’s like a real game when you play, well thought out and very detailed. When in the game they do a very good job combining sexual game play and regular game play together. Each player has their own storyline, but Pablos is the best in my opinion. You’ll certainly want to play it multiple times, trying out multiple plotlines with each character.
When your finally ready to play expect a lot of blood and guns. Fighting your way through enemy infiltration from the cops and the DEA (playing as Pablo) or even hunt down dealers who flood your city with dope (playing as Horacio).
Pricing & Membership Benefits
Before gameplay you have to register with your name email and credit card information. Initially the game is free during the trial period, but after the 2-days, you’ll be charged $39.95USD per month.
Subscribing to this network will also include access to some bonus content such as, More Free Games, Porn From Every Niche (including some of the best Hentai on the web), and Bonus HD Porn Sites.
Some of these sites are free with the subscription to Narcos XXX, while others have additional recurring charges. Make sure you opt out of any services you aren’t interested in, or remember to cancel the free trials before you’re charged.
Quickie Pro’s

- Graphic Violence and Hardcore 3D porn.
- Very similar to the show with the a lot more interaction through Pablos eyes. Sex and Drugs and more Sex and Money.
- Bonus Content
- Well Priced
Quickie Cons

- Start page has you choose your player twice, not a big deal but it can get annoying playing the game multiple times.
- Ads
Final Quickie Rating
The Quickie Page enjoyed Narcos XXX the game play is ridiculously hot and thrilling, but most of all the Bonus Content is incredible. If you’re looking for top-notch 3D porn then this game is perfect for you.
Stay in touch we have more porn games reviews coming soon!!
The Quickie Page Rates Narcos XXX 4.8 Out Of 5